Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Week 2

1. Read something that will help you become the person you see experiencing your "why"
-I suggest an article from Success Magazine if you are short on time. or A chapter from "Secrets of the Millionaire Mind"
1.A. Write a short paragraph on how what you read impacted you in the comment box.
2. Set some goals: (Fast Start Book pg 12)
-A.How many people are you going to contact this week?
-B.How many New Prospects?
-C.How many flyers/news journals or pamphlets do you want to pass-out?
-D.How many Presentations are you going to give (or have me give for you)?
-E.How Many Invites?
-F.How Many People will you Follow up with?
-G.How Many people will you Enroll?
**You want these goals to be realistic. I actually sit down and write names next to each category (or places I go where I'd meet new people). Then I write the number down.
**Start being accountable to yourself!
3. Practice with me 1x this week over the phone.
---We will practice how to invite someone to your home to watch the Next Step DVD or to a live webinar with me.
---We will also practice how to turn a "no" into a "yes".
4. Be on the conference call on Thursday 8pm MDT. (see right side for phone #)


Unknown said...

#1. I read the article "Defining Success" By Zig Ziglar. He talked about how to stay motivated!! I really took from this that we are bombarded every day with negativity so we need to counter that with a "positive mental bath". And also that I just need to stay focused on my goal!!--my why! "What you focus on, expands!"

Unknown said...

#2. My goals:
A. 10
B. 1
C. 2
D. 1
E. 10
F. 5
G. 1
I chose 10 for A. because I follow the plan of 2 a day, 10 in play. Meaning I contact 2 people every day and have 10 people I am focusing on. I also try to follow-up with at least 1 person a day. I only have 1 hour/day to work on this!