Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Week 1

1. What is your "WHY"? Here are some questions to help you discover you why. Remember it needs to be BIG!! Something that will keep you motivated when you are scared or discouraged with this business.
*What is it that really drives you to want to change your circumstances?
*What do you really want out of life?
*Who is counting on you to make their dreams come true? (family/friends?)
*What experiences do you want to share with others?
*Where would you like to travel?
*What would you like to pay o ff?
*How much income would you like to replace?
2.Write down a list of 100 people you know. I know that sounds like a ton, but it doesn't have to be people you want to talk to (of course put them on there too). I also like to make not of why I want to talk to them (if there's a reason). Here is a memory jogger list if you get stuck.
3. Narrow that list down to your top 25 people that you want to talk to. Whether it is because of their health, or they're entrepreneurs, or they're just a people person.
******We are NOT calling anyone from this list right now********
And that is it for this week. If you run into someone that you think would be interested, you can say something like this....They said, "my job is really awful. I don't think I'll have it much longer." OR "my knees have really been bothering me." You say, "I may have an answer for you! Now's not really a good time for me to go into detail, but I have a friend that does an information meeting online every week. It is free and you can listen in your jammies! ;o) Would it be alright if I sent you an invitation? What is your e-mail address." AND be sure you have a phone number for them as well.
I want you to go ahead and post your WHY in the comments when you find it. ;o) I'll start with mine to help you get going.